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Classical Isha Hatha Yoga Classes in Faridabad

The One and Only Isha Hatha Yoga Spot in Faridabad

Explore our Daily Yoga Classes that offer Holistic Transformation

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About Satyatra

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Satyatra is an initiative by Rajiv Kalra, an Isha Hatha Yoga teacher, with a longing to impart Classical Hatha Yoga in its purity and profoundness so that others can also experience deeper dimensions of life. 


Yoga essentially means “That which brings you to reality/truth”. The word Satyatra came into existence as implies the similar significance that is “A journey towards truth”.

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Our Offerings

Learn Yogic Practices in a Weekend Workshop & do it on your own

Learn Yogic Practices in a Weekend Workshop & refine them through Daily Guided Yoga Sessions

Upcoming Worshops

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Surya Kriya & Surya Shakti

✅ 25th-26th May

✅ 6:00 - 8:30 AM (Both Days) & 4:00 - 6:30 PM (Sun)

✅ 3 Sessions

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Jal Neti

✅ 25th May

✅ 9:00 - 10:00 AM

✅ 1 Session

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Bhuta Shuddhi

✅ 26th May

✅ 9:00 - 10:00 AM

✅ 1 Session

What Can You Expect?

Sleep Quality Improved

Chetan, Real Estates

Feeling Energetic, Sleep quality improved, Relief from Mental Stress and much more energetic Within a few months of doing the practices I feel more energetic. My sleep quality has improved a lot. Mentally I am more calm and composed now. I feel more Positive and Joyful within. My stiffness and pains have got reduced and flexibility is improving day-by-day

Relief from Anxiety and Painful Periods

Sapna, Sales Consultant

Relief from Anxiety, Fear, Negative Emotions, Painful Periods, Headache and Sinusitis My childhood fear, anxiety, hurt, hate, basically all the negative emotions disappeared like they were never even there within me Mental and emotional mess turned into a constant state of love and joy. Chronic headache and sinusitis to no headache and sinusitis since 2020. Painful periods to no pain during periods

Weight Low, Relief from Stress and Anger Issues

Peeyush, Sr. Exec Accounts

Lost about 10 kgs, Stress level gone down, Better control over my anger, and improved relationship I began practicing yoga in August 2022, and it's made a significant impact on my well-being.I lost about 10kg, and I feel much stronger both mentally and physically. My stress levels have gone down, and I've gained better control over my anger. I've become more compassionate, showing kindness towards animals and others. Additionally, yoga is contributing to an increased sense of awareness in my life. I've also observed a boost in my patience levels and an enhanced appreciation for life, bringing in a lot of positivity and improvements in my relationships.

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